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16 Fruit Juices: Health & Nutritional Benefits of Fruit Juices


Health benefits of pineapple

Sometimes a most common fruit like pineapple comes with numerous wonders to surprise you enough. This fruit is a strong power house of every essential vitamins and minerals that your kid or any family member needs. Add it to your family’s diet on a regular basis and get ready to witness the amazing changes brought about by innumerable pineapple benefits.

Serve yourself the perfect fruit

Pineapple is probably the best news weight-watchers have heard. A glass full of fresh pineapple juice helps you get all the essential nutrients, without putting on any calorie. Henceforth, it’s not just the divine taste that will make you grab the fruit, but you will choose pineapple juice for weight loss as well. You can also check out the various mocktail recipes you can make with Real Fruit Power.

Extensive care for the family

Giving a glass full of pineapple juice daily helps the older members remain disease-free. Moreover, with the summer heat growing each year, pineapple comes with lots of fluids to fight dehydration. Pick one today for the well being of the whole family.

A real wonder!

A pineapple benefits you in more ways than you can think of. It has been found that the essential nutrients and factors coming out of it give you healthy skin, strong gums, heart and bones. Pineapple not only delights you with its nutrient value, it serves your craving for palatable desserts and ice cream too. It is used profusely in making such food items. Even the mere flavour of pineapple increases the taste of any spicy dish. Ever wondered how much the spiked fruit has to offer?

The best your kids can get

The real fruit power of pineapple is indeed enormous. After a tough day at the school, a glass of fresh pineapple juice comes to the aid of your kid in varied ways. Studies suggest that each cup of pineapple juice can give your kid roughly 73% of the required manganese for a day and can help cure cold and cough effectively. Apart from serving the essential pineapple benefits it also refreshes your child to every extent. And for the taste that it brings to the each sip, you can be quite sure you won’t hear a ‘no’ from your little one!



You can also check out the various fruit recipes you can make with Real Fruit Power.


Find out the various benefits of these healthy fruit juices:

Guava Juice
Pomegranate Juice
Amla Juice
Cranberry Juice
Apple Juice

Make Fruit Juice a part of your daily diet and live a healthier life today!